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More about the INTO Drew University Center

We're here for you

As Executive Vice President of INTO North America Dr. Sharon Sundue always says, "International students like you are some of the bravest young people we know." You're moving to an unfamiliar country and learning a new language, all while studying at a university. At INTO Drew University we understand this and will help you feel right at home.

At INTO Drew, we recognize that academics are your primary goal but understand you want to enjoy your time out of the classroom as well. New York City and its endless options for entertainment are a short train ride away. If you want a more quiet scene, downtown Madison with plenty of shopping and restaurants is just a 10-minute walk from campus. Jump in one of the on campus zip cars or take a taxi to relax beach side at the Jersey Shore less than an hour away.

Your liberal arts advantage

Why is a liberal arts education unlike any other? For a start, one in three Fortune 500 CEOs earned their degree in a liberal arts education. And 74% of CEOs say liberal arts education prepares graduates for 21st-century success.

A liberal arts education at INTO Drew gives you the freedom to choose your course load. You can declare double majors and double minors in an array of fields to customize your education. Our small class sizes ensure that you'll maintain relationships with your professors. At INTO Drew our focus is on you.

Picking a university is about the entire experience and INTO Drew has everything. We'll help you take full advantage of our forward-thinking, one-of-a-kind academic and social opportunities. Through our Launch Program, you'll have at least two out-of-classroom experiences. This can include an internship with a Fortune 500 company, participating in one of our seven different New York City Semester programs or conducting important research with a RISE fellow.

You’ll have access to all the amazing facilities of Drew University. Brand new biology and RISE program labs highlight the Hall of Science. The Dorothy Young Center for the Arts is a 400-seat performance hall and black box theater. The Simon Forum offers an 8-lane swimming pool, weight room and indoor sports facilities.

At Drew we believe that learning doesn’t just take place in the classroom. We offer a series of semesters in New York City where you learn directly from the people working in your desired field of study. Wall Street, the United Nations, the contemporary art scene in New York and the media industry on Madison Avenue are all available to you.

In addition to university resources, INTO Drew delivers a wide range of personalized services to ensure you are safe, supported and successful in your academic and personal goals. Our student services team offers support and a range of services that promote social, personal and academic well-being. We make your adjustment period quick, easy and fun. Our center offers a separate international orientation program followed by a Drew University orientation, academic coaching, Pathway tutors and a conversation partner or local Madison family to improve your English outside the classroom.

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